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Hillary, Sir Edmund Percival
New Zealand mountain climber(escalador) and explorer (1919-)

He went on many mountain-climbing expeditions(expediciones de alpinismo, escalada) before 1953, when he and Tenzing Norgay of Nepal were the first people(primeras personas) to reach the summit(cima, cumbre)  of Mt. Everest.

He was later knighted(nombrado caballero) by Queen Elizabeth II. In 1958, leading(liderando) a five-person group by dog sled(trineo de perros) and snow tractor across 1,200 mi (1,931 km) of Antarctica to the South Pole, he became part(formó parte) of the first group since 1912 to reach the Pole by overland route(ruta terrestre).

In 1960 he embarked on(se embarcó en) a search for the abominable snowman(abominable hombre de las nieves). A year later he suffered a mild cerebral stroke(ligero derrame cerebral) while climbing Mt. Makalu (27,790 ft; 8,470 m) in Nepal. He was named(nombrado) New Zealand's high commissioner(comisario) to India in 1984.

His works(trabajos) include High Adventure (1955), the story of his Everest climb(escalada), and No Latitude for Error (1961), which recounts(se refiere a) the South Pole expedition.
Fuente: http://www.encyclopedia.com

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