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El Gran Cañón del Colorado
Grand Canyon

Grand Canyon, great gorge(desfiladero) of the Colorado River, one of the natural wonders(maravillas naturales) of the world; c.1 mi (1.6 km) deep(profundo) , from 4 to 18 mi (6.4–29 km) wide, and 217 mi (349 km) long, NW Ariz.

The canyon shows in its rocks the repeated geological sequence of uplift
(levantado) , erosion (due to the river's constant wearing(repetida, agotadora) force), submergence(proceso de inmersión) , and deposition of materials.

The multicolored rocks, the steep
(empinado) and embayed(formando huecos) rims(borde) , and the isolated(aisladas) towers, mesas(mesetas) , “temples,” and other eroded(erosionadas) rock forms catch the contrast of sun and shadow and glow(brilland) with changing hues(matices variables) of great beauty.

Plant life
(plantas, vida vegetal) on the canyon walls varies from subtropical at the base(base) to subarctic near the rims(bordes) . Hundreds of ancient pueblos dot(pueblan, salpican, "puntean") the lower canyon walls(paredes inferiores del cañón) and the rim, and the Havasupai people still occupy(ocupa) a part of the canyon.

The first European to see the canyon was the Spanish explorer García López de Cárdenas in 1540. In 1869 the U.S. explorer John Wesley Powell became
(fue, se convirtió) the first person to lead a party(grupo) through the canyon bottom(pie del cañón) in a boat.

The Grand Canyon was set aside
(considerado, reservado) by the U.S. government in 1908 as a national monument.

In 1919 an expanded area was designated Grand Canyon National Park. (1,217,403 acres/492,876 hectares). The park was enlarged
(ampliado) in 1975 to include other areas, such as Marble Canyon(lit. Cañón de Mármol) and parts of Glen Canyon and Lake Mead. Along(a lo largo de) the forested(cubierto de bosque) northern rim and the more accessible southern rim are numerous lookouts(miradores) , and trails wind(sendas que serpentean) to the canyon floor.

(balsas) and boat(barco, bote) excursions along the canyon's river bottom are popular. In 2000 the lands north of the western portion of the canyon, an area almost the size of the park, were designated Grand Canyon–Parashant National Monument. (1,014,000 acres/410,670 hectares).
Fuente: http://www.encyclopedia.com

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