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Suciedad y limpieza (hogar). Vocabulario inglés. Vocabulary. Dirt and cleanliness


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suciedad filth, dirt
limpieza, aseo cleanliness
amoníaco ammonia
aspiradora vacuum (cleaner), (UK) hoover
bayeta cleaning cloth, wipe, wiper
bayeta de microfibra microfibre cloth, (US) microfiber cloth
detergente detergent
detergente en polvo washing powder
detergente blanqueador whitener
escoba broom, brush
estropajo scourer, scouring pad, scrubber
fregona, mopa mop
jabón soap
jabón (pastilla) bar of soap
lejía bleach, lye
limpia cristales window-cleaning fluid
mancha stain
paño (tipo de tela) cloth, rag
polvo dust
suavizante (ropa) conditioning, softening
Suciedad y limpieza. Verbos de acción
abrillantar to polish
aclarar (enjuagar) to rinse
asear to tidy up, to spruce up
aspirar to vacuum , (UK) to hoover
barrer to sweep
blanquear to whiten
bruñir to polish, to burnish
centrifugar (lavadora) to spin, to spin-dry
cepillar to brush
desatascar to pull out
desempolvar, quitar el polvo to dust, to dust off
desincrustar, to unblock, to clear
desinfectar to disinfect, to sanitize
desinsectar to clear of insects
deshollinar (chimenea) to sweep
descontaminar to decontaminate
desengrasar to degrease
desodorizar to deodorize
desparasitar to disinfest
desratizar to clear of rats
encerar to wax, to apply wax
enjabonar to soap (up), to lather up
enlucir (pared, techo) to plaster
ensuciar to get dirty
escurrir (platos) to drain
esterilizar to sterilize
fregar (lavar, restregar) to wash
frotar to rub
frotar (vigorosamente) to scrub
fumigar to fumigate, to exterminate insects
higienizar to cleanse, to sterilize
lavar to wash (up), to launder
limpiar to clean
limpiar en seco to dry-clean
lustrar, pulir to polish, to buff
manchar to stain, to spot, to get dirty
planchar to iron
pulir (dar lustre) to polish, to shine
rascar (frotar con algo áspero) to scrape, to scratch
rastrillar (fibra textil) to rake
remojar (empapar) to soak, to steep
restregar (frotar con fuerza) to rub, to scrub
sanear to clean up
secar to dry
ventilar to air, to ventilate

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